Dive deeper into the work of technouveau

Technouveau is a small Copenhagen based design bureau dealing with imaginative escapist media and products. It's run by Danish designer and art director Rasmus Poulsen, who has 20 years of AAA games industry experience.

"Improving reality through better escapism" is our motto, and we believe that dealing with aesthetics and musings of the imagination is a hallowed pursuit.

Our goal is to fascinate, immerse and transport you elsewhere. To celebrate ingenuity, creative processes and imagination. And to enable you to express yourself through our 3D models. Prints, assets, signature shaders & apparel.

Photo: Nadia Ten Wolde



Technical, delivery and product quality issues: See contact bar in the footer

"Improving reality through better escapism"

CVR nr.: 440 25 965

Site design technical assistance: Sergio Luna

Copyright 2024 Technouveau. All rights reserved
