3D Model - Spaceship - ZT-800 Mk. II (Hobby License)
Model Overview
This is a spaceship model that aim to mimic the look of classic sci-fi designs. It has the classic model-shop look with surface wear and greeble clusters.
This model includes 2 variations of the ZT-800 MkII.: Airborne w. engines on and landed with gear and hatch extended
Movable components, incl. Escape pod / Gun mount.
2 x 4k trimsheet textures and Technouveaus signature "used universe" wear n ' tear Shader
2.6 Million Polygons
Blend file Format (Blender 3.4 and up)
This model is quite efficient and the trim sheets makes it light on memory use
Blender file is 441 MBs, unzipped, incl. packed textures and materials
The model does NOT feature an interior, except for a low rez cockpit interior
The model is not made for hyper close-ups
The model has inverted normals at select places to correct for normal-map issues
The shader only works in blender
The figurine is for display purposes and is not included
This model is licenced for hobby and portfolio use only.